Former Police Inspector Upholds His Faith in Falun Gong Despite 14 Years of Detention and Torture A former police insp... 09-16-2019 | DOCUMENTATION FROM INSIDE CHINA
Religious Persecution: President Trump Meets with Falun Gong Practitioner and Other Survivors Yuhua Zhang, 59, was... 07-18-2019 | ニュース
Over 10,000 Attend Falun Dafa Conference to Hear Stories of Self-Improvement Many felt inspired t... 06-08-2019 | KEY EVENTS
3,628 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested or Harassed for Their Faith in the First Half of 2018 With the persecution... 10-06-2018 | UNCATEGORIZED
These 138 Chinese High-Ranking Officials Who Met Their Downfall All Share One Thing in Common When Chinese leader ... 02-11-2018 | UNCATEGORIZED